2012 Report to Congress of the US-China Economic & Security Review Commission

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Alex Alex
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2012 Report to Congress of the US-China Economic & Security Review Commission

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2012 Report to Congress
US-China Economic & Security Review Commission
November 2012

Section 3: China & Hong Kong
Page 265

...Beijing’s growing interference in Hong Kong’s political affairs casts doubt on the continued viability of the ‘‘one country, two systems’’ framework and Beijing’s willingness to eventually grant Hong Kong universal suffrage. Coupled with sustained challenges to free expression and assembly, these developments run counter to U.S. support for the expansion of democracy and respect for human rights abroad. They are also at deviance with the rights guaranteed to the citizens of Hong Kong in the Basic Law and assurances given by the Chinese government prior to regaining sovereignty that the city would ‘‘retain its system of government for at least fifty years. . . .[and] permit free speech, including criticism of the Communist Party.’’...
(pp 272-273)
Alex Alex
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November 14, 2012


1. 特區護照可以享有VWP嘅機會係零,因為多謝呢班中國蝗蟲孕婦,日後特區護照免簽越嚟越少係好正常嘅事,睇嚟大家換定BN(O)都無走雞。

2. 美國已經唔信一國兩制,而日後大家買高科技產品果陣遇到大量阻滯,多謝北京呢班hihi。

3. 重新啟動美國香港關係法第301條,要求國務院必須提交香港政經情況嘅報告,美國高官訪問中國一定訪港,咁搞法意在警告中國,唔好亂嚟。

當年美國人要英國人交出香港俾中國,因為中國係反蘇盟友,成件事唔係無條件,依家中國似係走數,美國人亦唔會客氣。所以英國俾國會嘅半年報告,日後隨時U turn,人地美國人寫份報告咁詳盡兼火氣十足,FCO班友寫埋啲垃圾,炒得喇。
