2018 Taizé International Meeting of Young Adults 2018 泰澤國際青年聚會 HK 8-12 Aug 2018

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2018 Taizé International Meeting of Young Adults 2018 泰澤國際青年聚會 HK 8-12 Aug 2018

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泰澤團體將於2018年8月8至12日在香港舉行「2018 泰澤國際青年聚會」。

"2018 Taizé International Meeting of Young Adults" will be held in Hong Kong by Taizé Community from 8th to 12th August 2018.
Here is a short introduction about the meeting and some sharings of volunteers from different countries about Taizé and the 2018 meeting.🌻🌻
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

P.S. 如欲成為義工、接待家庭(只限香港朋友)或了解更多資訊,歡迎進入以下連結並填妥相關資料:
If you are interested in being a volunteer, host family (friends from Hong Kong only) or getting to know more details, please fill in the survey by clicking the following link: