7 May 2012 周兆祥

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Alex Alex
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7 May 2012 周兆祥

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時間:7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong Humanist Group
and ExChristian.info present: "Let's chat!"

Simon Chau Shares 50 Years of Spiritual Quest

Renowned prophet of green living in Hong Kong and translation scholar Dr Simon Chau was once a Catholic Christian who has considered becoming a priest! Upon discovering serious mistranslations in many key passages of the Bible, however, he entered a new stage on his spiritual journey.... Tonight, Simon is going to share the exciting story of his 50 years of spiritual quest.  

Date: 7 May 2012 (Mon)
Time: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon
Guest: Dr Simon Sui-cheong Chau
Language: Cantonese
Fee: free
Registration: not required
Alex Alex
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Dr Simon Chau has written the following article for this event:

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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

Now at the meeting with 周兆祥.

Dr. Chow is sharing his view on his religious views.

Sister Cat shared her past religion past and her atheist now.

Chow shared in the "Power of Now". He buy the ridiculous "Secret" and "Conversation with god" as well.  

Chow was inspired to be a priest when he was young, but that we before he turned 21 year old.  He learned about Marxism when he was in university and learned about the dirty history of the Catholic Church. Catholic Church has always been on the side of the power and opposed to those who are being oppressed. Also, Sunday worship is a waste of time for him. That's what he questioned about church life.
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

Dr. Chow is odd in way that he help people to avoid necessary vaccine. He believe in healing after sorting out life, based more on personal belief and philosophy than fact or evidence that he has presented none.

Chow also reflected on his recitation of prayer, which lead him to still believe in a god or higher power, or the universe will help you if that is the will of the universe.

(Of course the universe has no will, as the universe is just is and care not about a single specie in the really big universe.)

I hope more people read about Richard Wiseman and James Randi.

Chow wanted everyone to be like Jesus.  

Nothing against Jesus but he didn't know slavery was wrong and I do. So I'm already way better than Jesus.

Sister Cat asked about vaccine which Dr. Chow is against. Sister Cat has good points.

For this he blamed the media for not telling the truth. He claimed (Wrongly) that vaccine hurt people.

For the correct information. See James Randi foundation. http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/swift-blog/1568-dangerous-anti-vaccination-propaganda-in-times-square-again-on-new-years-eve.html
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

Chow has mixed vaccine with the life expectancy.  Drawing data from unknown or unreliable source. Chow also missed the point that for early menstrual cycle, which has to do with body fat ratio than any other factor.

Lumping data together and insert whatever he thought was the cause has lead to Chow misunderstanding of vaccine.

Chow anti-vaccine ground is not only irresponsible, but dangerous. At least I know for sure that he is wrong, dead wrong.
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

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Second question. The practice of spirituality. Chow believed in soul or consciousness, a form of mind-control.

Chow magic number of good thoughts to 6, and the rest of rubbish for him. He thought, without evidence, that his good thoughts are connected to god. (again without evidence)

Chow told a story about a monk and a pregnant gal. The monk lost his reputation because he got a gal pregnant.  Chow thought that there is no good or bad people, which is wrong of course. But Chow's wishes to accept life as it is, is simple enough to understand.

Chow said he never washed his hands, which reduce my willingness to shake his hand to none.  His concept of conservation of water is too extreme to be hygienic.

Chow thought he was blessed by "sky" if doesn't wash his hands. Also, he didn't thought washing hands would reduce chance of disease. (Again very doubtful that there is any ground for this.)

Chow also thought he is friendly to animals and insects. He believe in "mind power" and has the peaceful mind, that good things would come to him. (sound familiar but again without evidence)

Chow quoted "My grandmother wanted me to have an education, so she kept me out of school." (Margaret Mead) Chow used this to make his stand against school and education. Yet Margaret Mead earned her bachelor degree at Barnard College in New York City, and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University.
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

Afterward, Sister Cat shared that she wants to post the movie Storm again as it fits the talk.

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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

當我提問有關注射疫苗的問題,我是好奇他為何有如此觀點。 他卻將問題偷換。 因為疫苗確實降低不少兒童患上白喉、痲疹等病,提高了人類整體的壽命。 他聲稱疫苗減少人的壽命, 是忽略了不少影響人壽命的因素, 我發覺他不斷扯開話題, 不正面回答, 到最後來來去去只說: 你們被醫學界騙了、中了大騙局、疫苗令人傷殘等。

醫學, 從不說自己不犯錯、也不說自己必然對、其它必定錯, 只堅持用科學化的臨床測試,而不作出膽大的聲稱。
周兆祥作出大量膽大的聲稱 (人家全錯、吃的錯、醫學錯), 自己知道真相 -- extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidences - 他作大量extraordinary claims WITHOUT evidence...

I am sorry to say - he is sincere in his ideals, but he is a bag of shit....
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (Carl Sagan)

"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." (Christopher Hitchens)

I agreed with Sister Cat opinion. Chow is really full of shit. None of his claim is based on science or evidence.

weiyan weiyan
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Re: 7 May 2012 周兆祥

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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

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Paul Offit: "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All"Paul Offit: Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

Anti-vaccination is not just bullshit, it is dangerous bullshit that killed children.

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Re: 阿祥講宗教與靈修

Alex Alex
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Simon Chau: 耶穌不是基督徒

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