A Physicist Just Explained Why the Large Hadron Collider Disproves the Existence of Ghosts

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A Physicist Just Explained Why the Large Hadron Collider Disproves the Existence of Ghosts

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A Physicist Just Explained Why the Large Hadron Collider Disproves the Existence of Ghosts
23 FEB 2017

"...British theoretical physicist Brian Cox recently pointed out, there's no room in the Standard Model of Physics for a substance or medium that can carry on our information after death, and yet go undetected in the Large Hadron Collider."

"The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time.

Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder within a closed or isolated system, and the second law of thermodynamics states that as usable energy is lost, chaos increases - and without extra energy being put into a system, that progression towards disorder can never be reversed.

So how does that apply to ghosts?

Because we can't touch and interact with them, ghosts can't be made of matter, but instead of energy.

And if energy is necessarily lost within every system - particularly if they're doing anything that requires using more of it, such as moving, emitting light, or making spooky sounds - it would be impossible for them to maintain their existence for any significant period of time.

The second nail in the coffin comes from the Large Hadron Collider, because while there are things about the Universe we still can't find using this giant particle accelerator, what we can see very well is the way energy drives our cells' information.

If we assume that the energy that sustains ghosts isn't an entirely new substance or medium, but carries on from when we were living, then this mysterious force controlling the particles that make up our cells would have been detected in the Large Hadron Collider by now.

"I would say if there's some kind of substance that's driving our bodies, making my arms move and legs move, then it must interact with the particles out of which our bodies are made," says Cox.

"And seeing as we've made high precision measurements of the ways that particles interact, then my assertion is that there can be no such thing as an energy source that's driving our bodies." "

Alex's comment:  以大型強子對撞機觀測能量與物質(粒子)互動的精確度而言,人死後如有生前資訊以能量的形式存在並與物質世界互動(「鬼」),應已被探測到。沒有鬼。引申下,人死後很可能沒有生前資訊長存。沒有靈魂,沒有永生,沒有天堂,沒有地獄。  There is no spirit nor afterlife.  We just cease to exist after death.  Only atoms are left behind.