All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Alex Alex
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All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Welcome To All Souls

All Souls Unitarian Church welcomes all who seek a religious home free of creeds and guided by love, reason, and conscience. We are committed to respecting differences and striving for understanding.

We help our children develop their spiritual curiosity, exposing them to the great religions without indoctrinating them in a particular set of beliefs.

Join us on our journey.

What We Believe

Unitarian Universalists believe that personal experience, conscience, and reason should be the final authorities in religion. There is no creed with which you must agree. Religious insight may come from a book, a person, or an institution, but religious authority does not.  Religious authority comes from within ourselves.  Religious insights are tested in our individual hearts and minds. Ours is a free faith.

It is a liberal religion born of Jewish and Christian traditions, but religious wisdom is ever changing. Human understanding of life and death, the world and its mysteries, is never final. People should think for themselves. We differ in opinions and lifestyles, and those differences generally should be honored. Everyone has worth. Ethical living is the supreme witness of religion. Our relationships with one another, with diverse peoples, races, and nations, should be governed by justice, equity, and compassion.

Centennial Vision 2021

All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa is dedicated to religion but not to a creed. Neither upon itself nor upon its members does it impose a test of doctrinal formulas. It regards love of God and humankind, and the perfecting of our spiritual natures to be the unchanging substance of religion and the essential gospel of Jesus. Consecrating itself to these principles it aims at cultivating reverence for truth, moral character and insight, helpfulness to humanity, and the spirit of communion with the infinite. It welcomes into its worship and fellowship all who are in sympathy with a religion thus simple and free.

— Statement of Purpose (adopted in 1957)

Alex's comment:  Well-said!
Alex Alex
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All Souls voted Tulsa's "Absolute Best" Church