Asian Humanism Conference
亞洲人文主義大會 |
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2016 亞洲人文主義大會 Asian Humanism Conference 日期:8/6-7 地點:台灣大學博雅館201教室 Dates: Aug 6-7 Location: Taipei, Taiwan - National Taiwan University 演講題目 人文主義發展仰賴基進無神論 人文主義與道德:工作指南 虛實之間:東方的形勢謀略思維 原力覺醒:原住民傳統信仰的世俗價值 新加坡宗教與人本主義的來龍去脈 新天方夜譚:以女性主義視角重述傳統故事 衝突的人文主義 Speech topics Militant Atheism is Necessary for Humanism and Human Progress Humanism and Morality: A Compass that Works Weaknesses and Strengths: Strategic thinking of forces in The Art of War The Aborigines Awakens: Secular values in traditional beliefs Scheherazade the Millennial: Retelling Traditional Narratives Through a Feminist Lens The Conflicted Humanist 關於亞洲人文主義大會 亞洲人文主義大會是由亞洲青年們所舉辦的。它的目標是讓不同地區的人文主義組織能夠彼此交流,並且訓練團隊與活動的能力。亞洲人文主義大會曾於尼泊爾、菲律賓與新加坡舉辦,今年首度移師台灣。本屆大會也是首次舉辦在東亞文化圈的亞洲人文主義大會。 About the Asian Humanism Conference The Asian Humanism Conference is a meeting of humanist youth in Asia. It's goals are to help build connections between people and humanist organizations in the region as well as offer training on skills and capacity building to help make groups more effective in the work as humanists. In recent years the Asian Humanism Conference has been held in Nepal, Singapore, and the Philippines as well as other nations. This year, it will be held in Taiwan, the first time for the conference to be held in East Asia. 主辦與承辦單位 本屆大會的主辦單位為國際人文主義與倫理青年團(IHEYO),IHEYO致力於世界上的人文主義者之間的交流與互動。而大會的承辦單位為在地的三個社團,分別為(1)Taichung Atheists, Freethinkers, and Humanists、(2)台灣人文主義工作坊、以及(3)社團法人台灣明京教育協會。 Taichung Atheists, Freethinkers, and Humanists是由一群熱愛台灣的外籍朋友所組成的組織,於台中不定期舉辦理性、科學、道德等議題的討論會。台灣人文主義工坊則是由台灣本地的青年組成,主要負責翻譯與寫作人文主義相關文章,曾在國立中山大學舉辦社團活動與講座。而社團法人台灣明京教育協會則是關注於推動台灣歷史教育與公民教育,提升青年學子思考辯論能力等領域的民間團體。 About the Hosts The conference's main sponsor is the International Humanists and Ethical Youth Organization (IHEYO), the youth branch of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). IHEYO is an umbrella organization that creates links between young humanists throughout the world. The local hosts of the event are (1) Taichung Atheists, Freethinkers, and Humanists, (2) Taiwan Humanism Studio, and (3) Ming-Jing Educational Association, three local humanist organizations in Taiwan. 本屆主題 今年大會主題是「承先啟後:文明交會與省思」,人文主義是跨區域與族群的思想,尋求在不同地區與文化脈絡下發展,從中與在地文化對話與結合。此外,我們試圖向本土傳統學習,思考其在現代社會的挑戰與價值,並體會不同族群的歷史、文化與智慧。 About the Theme The theme for this year's conference is “Old and New: Timeless solutions for modern challenges.” We will be exploring humanism both as how it has been practiced in countries and places with strong humanist societies, and how we can learn from those groups and practices to expand humanism into new regions in the future. Furthermore, we will try to combine the lesson of the past, with the best thinking of today to help us navigate through challenges that are both old and new. |
2016亞洲人文主義大會 - Jason Sylvester - 衝突的人文主義 Jason Sylvester, 加拿大(旅居香港) 《Time Out香港》專題作家、The Australian Atheist 特約撰稿人. 傑森•席維斯特對幫助別人和解決世上的問題有股莫名、發自內心的熱忱, 同時他極度厭惡(這是輕描淡寫了)人類愚蠢、無法停止傷害自己的天性。在「衝突的人文主義」中,席維斯特將會仔細探討這個認知失調*並總結在西元前一千年間亞洲的一些偉大文明所提出的人文主義理想,接著會說現代一些國家中發生的侵害/壓迫人權的實例。 *認知失調:是一個心理學上的名詞,用來描述在同一時間有著兩種相矛盾的想法,因而產生了一種不甚舒適的緊張狀態。 |
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