'Atheist Churches': Nonbelievers Find A Sunday-Morning Connection

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'Atheist Churches': Nonbelievers Find A Sunday-Morning Connection

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'Atheist Churches': Nonbelievers Find A Sunday-Morning Connection

...The day's message, delivered on a recent Sunday by Ray Hill, a former Baptist pastor and a longtime activist for civil and gay rights, would not have been out of place in many churches. All human beings, he said, regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation are of equal worth and deserving of respect.

"Humans go out of this world the same way that they come in," Hill wrapped up, as the room erupted in applause.

Afterwards, attendees gather for coffee at the back of the room before moving on to lunch at a nearby restaurant. There are plans for a kind of summer vacation Bible school for kids -- minus the Bible, of course -- and a charitable blood drive.

But don't call this an "atheist church," Aus insisted. He and other founding members are aiming for something new -- a community that looks to nurture the common human qualities that can unite people. ...