Books: Hallowed Secularism, Living Without God

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Books: Hallowed Secularism, Living Without God

The current issue (September/October 2009) of the Tikkun magazine (p97) recommends two books:

Hallowed Secularism
Bruce Ledewitz
Palgrave Macmillian, 2009
"Former Yeshiva student turned secularist Bruce Ledewitz shows how it is possible to not believe in God, and yet be serious about the search for meaning in life; to take seriously the experience of awe and holiness in life; and even to feel deeply connected to many of the most inspired teachings of the religious traditions."

Living Without God
Ronald Aronson
Counterpoint, 2008
"As the book's subtitle suggests, Ronald Aronson attempts to find 'new directions for atheists, agnostics, secularists, and the undecided.'"