Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" being updated

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Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" being updated

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Cosmos, the 1980 documentary mini-series that encouraged a generation of viewers to contemplate the origins of the universe and their place in it, and made an unlikely television personality out of the astronomer Carl Sagan, is poised to return to terrestrial airwaves. ...

...On Friday the Fox network is to announce that it has ordered a 13-episode series, Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey, expected to be broadcast in 2013. As part of a creative team that includes Ann Druyan, Sagan's widow and a collaborator on the original Cosmos...

...When the original Cosmos (subtitled A Personal Voyage) was first shown on PBS from September to December 1980, it was a watershed moment for science-themed television programming. Sagan's look at existence at its most massive and microscopic, accompanied by a contemplative score by the Greek composer Vangelis, were eventually viewed by 400 million people in 60 countries, making it public television’s most-watched short-form series...

Alex's comment:  Great!  Anticipating!  Let Carl Sagan's Naturalism lives on generation after generation.
天大好消息!期待!我們這一代「老鬼」,看卡爾薩根(Carl Sagan)的《宇宙》(Cosmos)開竅,應邀抬頭仰望繁星點點之夜空,被感召以物理學追尋真理,我們當向偉大的卡爾薩根致敬與感恩。新一代的年青心靈正等待新一套《宇宙》引領他們尋求真理,滋養他們好奇的靈魂。願卡爾薩根的自然主義代代相傳,千秋不朽。