Charlie Rose Brain Series

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Charlie Rose Brain Series

I just learned of a TV series that might be of interest. Apparently four of the shows have already occurred and are available for viewing. Some of the top brain scientists and philosophers are interviewed.

Charlie Rose Brain Series

The Charlie Rose Brain Series explores one of sciences final frontiers,
the study of the human brain.  Over the next year Charlie will interview
the most knowledgeable scientists and researchers in hopes of illuminating
a new topic of study. Each monthly episode will examine different subjects
of the brain, including perception, social interaction, aging and

We will also look at scientific discovery and advances in technology, in
the hope that someday terrible illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia,
and Alzheimer’s will be history.  Our special colleague on this journey is
Dr. Eric Kandel.  He is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist and professor at
Columbia University. He’s also affiliated with the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute.  He received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 2000
for his research into the biological mechanisms of learning and memory.

Upcoming Shows

February 23: The Developing Brain

March 23: The Aging Brain

April 20: The Emotional and Vulnerable

May 25: The Anxious Brain

June 22: The Mentally Ill Brain

July 20: The Disordered Brain

September 28: The Deciding Brain

October: The Artistic Brain

November: The New Science of the Mind

Episode One - The Great Mysteries of the Human Brain (consciousness,
free will, perception, cognition, emotion and memory)
with Eric Kandel, co-host (Columbia University),
    Cornelia Bargmann (Rockefeller University),
    Tony Movshon (New York University),
    John Searle (University of California, Berkeley),
    and Gerald Fischbach (Simons Foundation)

Episode Two - The Perceiving Brain: Sight and Visual Perception
with Eric Kandel, co-host (Columbia University),
    Tony Movshon (New York University),
    Ted Adelson (MIT, Professor of Vision Science),
    Nancy Kanwisher (MIT),
    Pawan Sinha (MIT)

Episode Three - The Motor System
with Eric Kandel, co-host (Columbia University),
    Daniel Wolpert (University of Cambridge),
    John Krakauer (Columbia University),
    Tom Jessell (Columbia University), and
    Robert Brown (University of Massachusetts)

Episode Four - The Social Brain
with Eric Kandel co-host (Columbia University),
    Gerald Fischbach (Simons Foundation),
    Giacomo Rizzolatti (University of Parma),
    Cornelia Bargmann (Rockefeller University),
    and Kevin Pelphrey (Yale University)