Christianity: Holland: Atheistic minister released 荷蘭教會確認無神論牧師未違教規

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Christianity: Holland: Atheistic minister released 荷蘭教會確認無神論牧師未違教規

A Holland parish has ended her investigation into the atheistic minister Klaas Hendrikse, concluding that he is not guilty of doctrinal error.  The verdict brings out 3 very important points:
1. Atheistic theology can be found in the tradition of Liberalism,
2. The tradition of Liberalism is part of the Church, and
3. The Church should have more discussions of various faith traditions.

Klaas Hendrikse's theology is thought-provoking: he separates belief in God and belief in existence of God, advocating that although God does not exist, belief in God can bring "relationship."

A 2006 statistic shows that 1/6 of Dutch ministers doubt the existence of God or are plainly atheistic!



...該位牧師名叫軒迪斯(Klaas Hendrikse),其所屬教區雪維斯(Zierikzee)成立的特別委員會於二月三日宣佈結束對他的調查,指軒迪斯的言論對教會根基造成的破壞有限:「他的說法並不是甚麼新的神學創見,在自由派信仰傳統中可以找到,這傳統是教會的一部分。」委員會又引述教友大會在另一場合作出的決議:教會內應有更多關於不同信仰傳統的信仰討論,因此委員會認為軒迪斯可繼續擔任牧職,毋須接受任何紀律處分。

