Church of Humanism, New York

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Alex Alex
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Church of Humanism, New York

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Reverend Joseph Ben-David

Welcome to the Church of Humanism and its division,the Humanist Foundation. Founded in 1973, the Church of Humanism, located in New York City, is the only Humanist religious organization that affirms God as a fusion of naturalism and realism.

Alex's comment: To look for a church of humanism outside UU, I did a Google search for "church of humanism."  This is the second website returned.  It is a terrific church of humanism!  When looked further, however, it remarks that "all meetings held at The Fourth Universalist Society" and when I Googled its founder Rev Joseph Ben-David, the YouTube interview video it brought me to introduced that he is a Unitarian minister!  These bring me back to UU!  Why on earth everything converge to UU?