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The Clergy Project is a confidential online community for active and former clergy who do not hold the supernatural beliefs of their religious traditions. Currently, the community's nearly 100 members use it to network and discuss what it's like being an unbelieving leader in a religious community. The Clergy Project's goal is to support members as they move beyond faith. Members freely discuss issues related to their transition from believer to unbeliever including: • Wrestling with intellectual, ethical, philosophical and theological issues 理智、倫理、哲學、神學問題掙紮 • Coping with cognitive dissonance 應對認知失調 • Addressing feelings of being stuck and fearing the future 處理進退維谷、彷徨感 • Looking for new careers 轉工 • Telling their families 出櫃 • Sharing useful resources 分享資源 • Living as a nonbeliever with religious spouses and family 與信徒家人相處 • Using humor to soften the pain 幽默鎮痛 • Finding a way out of the ministry 尋找脫離牧職途徑 • Adjusting to life after the ministry 牧職後復康 Alex's comment: 離教牧師支援計劃。牧師(還有宣教家、神學家、和護教家等)對基督宗教的神學及歷史,相比平信徒,一般上,有較深入的認知。加上受良心驅使,基於真理與道德,他們更易超越基督宗教的邊界、限制。當牧師的靈性不斷提升,便可能超越信仰,進深到不信的階段。這個計劃為這些牧師提供各方面的支援。可考慮將計劃引入香港,服侍香港的離教牧師,讓苦杯變得甘甜。此項事工將是何等佳美。 基督宗教牧師躍升到不信者境界,當UU牧師可以是一條出路,因為UU包容無神論和人文主義,但要成為UU牧師須通過冗長而嚴格的資格認證程序。 |
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Atheist help for the clergy who are closet unbelievers
October 17, 2011 Christian Today “We know there must be thousands of clergy out there who have secretly abandoned their faith but have nowhere to turn,” said Dan Barker, a former evangelical preacher who now serves as co-president of FFRF. |
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Preachers who are not Believers
Daniel C. Dennett and Linda LaScola Center for Cognitive Studies Tufts University, Medford MA 02155 March 15, 2010 http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/Non-Believing-Clergy.pdf Audio http://www.cbc.ca/video/news/audioplayer.html?clipid=1822271360 不信的傳道人 |
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From Minister To Atheist: A Story Of Losing Faith
April 30, 2012 | npr ...she started asking sharper questions. She thought they'd make her faith stronger. "In reality," she says, "as I worked through them, I found that religion had so many holes in it, that I just progressed through stages where I couldn't believe it." The questions haunted her: Is Jesus the only way to God? Would a loving God torment people for eternity? Is there any evidence of God at all? And one day, she crossed a line. "I just kind of realized — I mean just a eureka moment, not an epiphany, a eureka moment — I'm an atheist," she says. "I don't believe. And in the moment that I uttered that word, I stumbled and choked on that word — atheist." On March 26, at the American Atheists' convention in Bethesda... "My name is Teresa," she begins. "I'm a pastor currently serving a Methodist church — at least up to this point" — the audience laughs — "and I am an atheist." Hundreds of people jump to their feet. They hoot and clap for more than a minute. MacBain then apologizes to them for being, as she put it, "a hater." "I was the one on the right track, and you were the ones that were going to burn in hell," she says. "And I'm happy to say as I stand before you right now, I'm going to burn with you." A few minutes later, MacBain strides off the stage into a waiting crowd. One man is crying as he tells her that her speech is "one of the most moving things I've seen in years." Another woman says she, too, had been a born-again Christian. "Join the club," she says as she hugs MacBain. "I have never felt so appreciated and cared for, you know?" MacBain says later, noting that she has left one community — Christianity — for another. "New member, just been born — that's what it feels like." ...it went viral...The local TV station, WCTV, ran a series of stories about MacBain... "...overnight you're the bad guy..." MacBain tried to see the church's district superintendent to explain, but he canceled the meeting. She was immediately locked out and replaced... "I believe in God," says her husband, Ray...But he says he adores his wife and defends her right to disbelieve. "I miss the music," she says. MacBain sang in church choirs and worship bands most of her life, and even though she no longer believes the words, she still catches herself singing praise songs. She says she also misses the relationships...and...the ritual and regularity of church life.... Alex's comment: A very moving story of a clergy-turned-born-again Atheist. 循道衛理牧師靈命進深致成為無神論者。非常感人的牧師得道重生成為無神論者的故事。她的丈夫雖然仍然是有神論者,但尊重及維護她的新信仰決志,非常窩心,非常美麗。 |
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why it is so difficult for pastors to leave the ministry
David Hayward | 2 June 2012 | naked pastor |
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Major Threat to Religion? Clergy People Coming Out as Atheists
June 10, 2012 | AlterNet http://www.alternet.org/story/155798 A burst of media attention has been focused on atheists of an unexpected stripe -- clergy members. Could non-believing clergy change how we see religion? What happens when a clergy person -- a minister, a priest, a rabbi, an imam -- realizes he doesn't believe in God? And what happens when he says it out loud? What happens when they find each other; when they support each other in coping with their crises, when they help each other with resources and job counseling and other practical assistance? What happens when they encourage each other to come out? Could this affect more than just these clergy people and their followers? Could it change how society as a whole thinks and feels about religion? That's what the Clergy Project is finding out... |
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Ex-Pastor Turned American Atheist Director Tells How She Lost Faith
July 11, 2012, Christian Post http://global.christianpost.com/news/ex-pastor-turned-american-atheist-director-tells-how-she-lost-faith-78048/ |
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From Bible-Belt Pastor to Atheist Leader
By ROBERT F. WORTH Published: August 22, 2012 The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/magazine/from-bible-belt-pastor-to-atheist-leader.html ...Because they started out as fervent Christians, unlike Dawkins and Hitchens and company, Phelps and DeWitt are seen as heroes within the movement. They tend to live and work in the country’s most Bible-soaked places. “I think what’s happening is that nontheists are realizing we can’t just leave this cause to Ivy Leaguers and intellectuals,” DeWitt told me. “We’ve got to convey the secular worldview in a more emotional way.” At the same time, DeWitt is something of a reality check for many atheists, whose principles rarely cost them more than the price of “The God Delusion” in paperback. DeWitt refuses to leave DeRidder, a place where religion, politics and family pride are indivisible. Six months after he was “outed” as an atheist he lost his job and his wife — both, he says, as a direct consequence. Only a handful of his 100-plus relatives from DeRidder still speak to him. When I visited him, in late June, his house was in foreclosure, and he was contemplating moving into his 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser. This is the kind of environment where godlessness remains a real struggle and raises questions that could ramify across the rest of the country. Is the “new atheism” part of a much broader secularizing trend, like the one that started emptying out the churches in European towns and villages a century ago? Or is it just a ticket out of town?... Alex's comment: A touching testimony of godly honesty and courage. 有血有肉的感人見證。為他的誠實和勇氣感恩。他悔改回轉,面向真理,背起十架,付上沉重代價,失去工作、家庭、房屋、親人,向著真理的標干直跑,何等神聖。 |
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Announcing Employment Transitional Assistance Grant For Non-Believing Clergy
February 12, 2013 http://clergyproject.org/news/2013/02/12/the-clergy-project-announces-the-addition-of-employment-transitional-assistance-grant The Clergy Project is proud to announce the addition of the Employment Transitional Assistance Grant, thanks to a generous grant from the Stiefel Freethought Foundation. ... Alex's comment: 非信仰神職人員就業過渡援助贈款 |
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After a Crisis of Faith, a Former Minister Finds a New, Secular Mission
By SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN September 20, 2013 The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/21/us/after-a-crisis-of-faith-finding-a-new-secular-mission.html Teresa MacBain helps start congregations with the Humanist Community Project at Harvard. ![]() |
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Minister Admits Overstating Her Credentials
September 26, 2013 New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/27/us/minister-admits-overstating-her-credentials.html A Methodist minister who resigned her pulpit last year after deciding that she was no longer a believer, and who was recently hired by a humanist group based at Harvard to help build congregations of nonbelievers throughout the country, has acknowledged fabricating aspects of her educational background. The former minister, Teresa MacBain, whose crisis of faith was described in the On Religion column last Saturday, claimed she had earned a master of divinity degree from Duke University. She had also listed that degree in the résumé she submitted to the Humanist Community at Harvard in the course of being hired as director of its Humanist Community Project. In addition, she had made references to the degree in previous public statements, some of which were reported online. The Humanist Community at Harvard, which is an independent nonprofit organization, dismissed Ms. MacBain from her position on Thursday. ... |
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