Darwin Day Feb 12

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Alex Alex
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Darwin Day Feb 12

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International Darwin Day Foundation

Celebrating Darwin, Science and Humanity

Darwin Day is an international celebration of science and humanity held on or around February 12, the day that Charles Darwin was born on in 1809. Specifically, it celebrates the discoveries and life of Charles Darwin -- the man who first described biological evolution via natural selection with scientific rigor. More generally, Darwin Day expresses gratitude for the enormous benefits that scientific knowledge, acquired through human curiosity and ingenuity, has contributed to the advancement of humanity.

On this website you can find all sorts of information about Charles Darwin and the International Darwin Day Foundation. If you are hosting a Darwin Day event, you can post information about it on our events listing. You can also locate Darwin Day programs near you by searching our events section.

We have also provided resources for hosting Darwin Day events, including promotional support and a list of potential Darwin Day presenters.

The International Darwin Day Foundation (IDDF) promotes public education about science and encourages the celebration of Science and Humanity throughout the global community. IDDF is administered by the American Humanist Association (AHA).
Alex Alex
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HKU: Darwin Day Celebration Documentary 2012

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Darwin Day Celebration Documentary
Film: No Dinosaurs in Heaven
Time: 5:30pm - 7:00pm, 9 February, 2012 (Thursday)
Venue: Room P4, Chong Yuet Ming Building, The University of Hong Kong
Medium: English

No Dinosaurs in Heaven is a documentary film that examines the hijacking of science education by religious fundamentalists, threatening the separation of chruch and state and dangerously undermining scientific literarcy.

Alex Alex
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Darwin Day resolution introduced in congress

In reply to this post by Alex
Darwin Day resolution introduced in congress
23 Jan 2013

A resolution designating February 12, 2013, as Darwin Day, has been introduced into the United States House of Representatives.

The proposed resolution would be a recognition of Charles Darwin as “a worthy symbol on which to celebrate the achievements of reason, science, and the advancement of human knowledge."