David Attenborough joins campaign against creationism in schools

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David Attenborough joins campaign against creationism in schools

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David Attenborough joins campaign against creationism in schools
19 Sep 2011
Sir David Attenborough has weighed into a campaign calling for creationism to be banned from the school science curriculum and for evolution to be taught more widely in schools.

In a statement on a new campaign website, the 30 scientists and campaign groups including the British Science Association demanded creationism and "intelligent design" be banned outright.

Andrew Copson, chief executive of the BHA, said: "...the threat of creationism and 'intelligent design' being taught as science is real and ongoing, particularly as more and more schools are opened up to be run by religious fundamentalists."

Alex's comment: A email response I received reads: "I think the Creationists have become so rampant and pompous that they even provoked the normally mild Sir David!" 試夢想如果沒有了宗教反進化論份子的禍害,科學家本來無須浪費不必要的時間與精神,可以更專心推動科學的進步,造褔人類!