Dean Drake (UUCF): Reborn each day 每天重生

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Dean Drake (UUCF): Reborn each day 每天重生

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a note from the president
Dean Drake
President, UU Christian Fellowship Board of Trustees
Easter 2012, Good News

"I once heard Christianity described as a resurrection religion, a faith that believes that people can be reborn. I like the sound of that, and believe that it even applies to Unitarian Universalist Christians. Unlike more conservative Christians, who believe people are only reborn once, the optimists among us believe that each day offers us the opportunity to be reborn as a kinder, more loving and more giving human being."

Alex 譯:(UU基督徒團契董事會主席復活節言每天重生)我曾經聽過人說基督宗教是一個復活的宗教,一個相信人可以重生的信仰。我喜歡這種講法,並相信它甚至適用於UU的基督徒(譯按:UU不是基督教的,但UU內有基督徒和一個UU基督徒團契)。與較為保守的基督徒不同,他們相信人一生只能重生一次,我們則比較樂觀,相信每一天也為我們提供機會重生成為一個更仁慈、更有愛心、更願意奉獻的人。