Do you know why Hong Kong is called "Hong Kong"? (blog by Dr Anne Hilty)

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Do you know why Hong Kong is called "Hong Kong"? (blog by Dr Anne Hilty)

Dr Anne Hilty
4 July 2010
...Here in largely Taoist Hong Kong, the personal shrine to one's ancestors and to various deities is ubiquitous. In a majority of households and businesses, it provides a physical place where the simple lighting of incense, making offerings such as fruit, and saying prayers or honoring one's ancestors can not only be a routine act but be fully integrated into daily life. Indeed, Hong Kong—Heung Gong—translates as "Fragrant Harbor", and is attributed to the incense in the air. Whether to deity or to the acknowledgement of one's ancestors and thus heritage-rootedness, a sense of continuity and place, and honoring of the wisdom that has gone before—it serves to deepen the experience of living.  ...

Alex's comment:  Believe it or not!  Only by now that this Hong Kong-er (me) knows why Hong Kong is known as "Hong Kong."  And he knows by reading an English blog by a foreigner!  The article itself is very "religious naturalism," I think.