Humanist view on the meaning of life
Emma Clayton
31st December 2012 increasing numbers of people living without organised religion, more people are choosing to have a non-religious ceremony to mark milestone events such as weddings, civil partnerships, baby namings and funerals.
Val Turner is one of four humanist celebrants in the Bradford district. They are affiliated to the British Humanist Association, representing “non-religious people who seek to live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity”.
...As a humanist, Val believes she only has one life and it’s important to live the best way she can. She believes that while science has the answers, we create our own meaning of life.
“I try to live my life in a positive way and make the world a better place. I believe individual responsibility, social co-operation and mutual respect are good principles to live by,” she says.
“Just because you don’t believe in an afterlife doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the beauty of the life we have." ...