Eric Kandel/NYT: The New Science of Mind

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Eric Kandel/NYT: The New Science of Mind

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The New Science of Mind
By Eric R. Kandel
September 6, 2013
The New York Times

"The result of such work is a new, unified science of mind that uses the combined power of cognitive psychology and neuroscience to examine the great remaining mysteries of mind: how we think, feel and experience ourselves as conscious human beings.

This new science of mind is based on the principle that our mind and our brain are inseparable. The brain is a complex biological organ possessing immense computational capability: it constructs our sensory experience, regulates our thoughts and emotions, and controls our actions. It is responsible not only for relatively simple motor behaviors like running and eating, but also for complex acts that we consider quintessentially human, like thinking, speaking and creating works of art. Looked at from this perspective, our mind is a set of operations carried out by our brain. The same principle of unity applies to mental disorders.

In years to come, this increased understanding of the physical workings of our brain will provide us with important insight into brain disorders, whether psychiatric or neurological. But if we persevere, it will do even more: it will give us new insights into who we are as human beings."

Alex's comment:
Mind is produced by the physical brain.
The philosophy based on this foundation is (monistic) naturalism/physicalism.
The religion based on this philosophy is religious naturalism.
Religious naturalism is the religion based on science.
UU welcomes, among others, religious naturalism.