Ericka Johnson: Dear Atheists, We Ex-Muslims Are Waiting For You

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Ericka Johnson: Dear Atheists, We Ex-Muslims Are Waiting For You

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"Dear Atheists, We Ex-Muslims Are Waiting For You"
Ericka M. Johnson  |  June 26, 2012  |  patheos

As it is practiced around the world, Islam is a consummation of all the worst that religion has to offer:
 ■ Cult-like isolation from other world views means generation after generation is born into ignorance.
 ■ Circumcision of boys and girls because healthy children aren’t born perfect; they must have a knife taken to their genitals.
 ■ Leaving the faith means death. Apostasy is considered one of the worst crimes.
 ■ Treating women as sub-human pieces of property that must be beaten into obedience means at least half the population is silenced before they can speak.
 ■ Personalized angel duo watches you at every moment, keeping a tally of all the good and bad you do so that you can be judged when you die.
 ■ Reward of heaven is used as an incentive to kill and maim innocent people.
 ■ Unyielding dogma leaves no room for thoughtful criticism nor humor.
 ■ Islam means Submission. They want to be slaves to their god; it’s right there in the name.