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Are Evangelicals Seeking 'Dominion' Over Politics, Government?
Stephanie Samuel (Christian Post, August 29, 2011) http://www.christianpost.com/news/are-evangelicals-seeking-dominion-over-politics-government-54726/ http://wwrn.org/articles/36072/ News reports and rumors have been circulating since Rick Perry's Aug. 6 prayer gathering called "The Response," that evangelical members of a radical Christian sect called the "New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR) are seeking to take "dominion" over the earth through politics, media and other sectors. ... Alex's comment: Evangelicals are called Evangelicals precisely because they seek to convert the whole world to the gospel, rule the world, in order to "save" all humanity, and urge all people to live an "ethical" life that "obeys God" and keeps out "sin." That is logical. When your theology is cosmological and exclusive ("justification by faith alone"), when you have a book which is written by God and hence having highest authority, when you are fighting a spiritual warfare of cosmological scale for God, you have the responsibility to rule the world, in order to bring salvation to the human race! The most dangerous is that, in the Evangelical mindset, this is "love"! 福音派之為「福音派」,就是向全人類傳褔音,統治世界,使世人「得救」,過著「合神心意」的「道德」生活,不「犯罪」!其實這是順理成章的結論。當你的神學是宇宙性的而且排他的(「因信稱義」),手執上帝啟示最高權威之書,為上帝打宇宙規模的屬靈爭戰,你便有責任統治全球,把救贖帶給全人類!最危險的是,在褔音派的思維中,這就是「愛」! |
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獲《中信》以長文介紹的魏彼得(Peter Wagner)牧師提倡「第二次宗教改革」,創辦「新使徒教會」運動(The New Apostolic Movement),提出以「屬靈繪圖」(Spiritual Mapping)進行「屬靈爭戰」。他的「神國神學」(dominion theology)中的「七山訓令」(7-Mountain Mandate),鼓勵信徒進佔社會中七個界別(家庭、教育、政府、經濟、媒體、藝術、宗教)的高位掌權,實現神權統治全球。他創辦了美國「國際禱告之家」(International House of Prayer)。前「商務及經濟發展局」局長馬時亨妻子馬王培琪把它引入香港,創辦「全城更新」機構,每年舉辦「全球祈禱日」。另一方面,五旬節背景的「全備褔音商人團契」(Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship)以世界各國掌權人為目標,是美國向世界輸出全球基督原教旨主義的主要力量之一。
伸延閱讀: 《中信》:新一輪宗教革命下的「新使徒教會」 Right Wing Watch: Peter Wagner |
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5 Facts About Dominionism
By Daniel Burke of Religion News Service September 1, 2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/01/5-facts-about-dominionism_n_945601.html The term "Dominionism" was popularized in the 1990s by scholars and journalists, who applied it to conservative Christians seeking political power. It derives from the Book of Genesis, in which God tells Adam and Eve to have "dominion" over the Earth and its animals. "Dominionism" generally describes the belief that Christians are biblically mandated to control all earthly institutions until the second coming of Jesus. Experts identify two main schools of Dominionism: Christian Reconstructionists, who believe biblical law, including stoning as punishment for adultery and other transgressions, should replace secular law; and the New Apostolic Reformation, which advocates for Christians to "reclaim the seven mountains of culture": government, religion, media, family, business, education, and arts and entertainment. |
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[教會也要主場?] 教會要為上帝掌權?@胡志偉
http://youtu.be/2aTjRgb5LSA 發佈時間:2012-12-15 教會與公共@香港我主場 第二回合 教會也要主場? 現場活動精華 嘉賓:鄧紹光/趙崇明/劉振鵬/黃順成/關浩然/胡志偉 主持:古斌/鯇魚@飄流製作 飄流製作主辦 |
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