Forrest Church rest in peace 24 Sep 09

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Alex Alex
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Forrest Church rest in peace 24 Sep 09

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Just received this by email:  

Thursday [24 Sep 09] morning at 6am Forrest Church passed away at his home in NYC.
Forrest was pastor at All Souls UU Church in NYC. I had the honor of meeting with him on several occasions as he mentored my son in the early years of this decade. [My son] helped him collect material for one of his last books, and then kept his relationship with Forrest when he went on to Harvard.
Forrest was the son of Frank Church, a anti-Vietnam war activist in the US senate. On the eve of the Iraq War, Forrest spoke at All Souls about unintended consequences.
There are many tributes to Forrest on the internet.

Website of Forrest Church:
Alex Alex
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Re: Forrest Church just passed away

From another email:
...Our Chosen Faith, the book Forrest wrote with John Burhrens, is a classic opening of the meaning of our UU Principles. In almost 2 dozen other books, Forrest has witnessed his Universalism to the World. I have just ordered his final book, THE CATHERAL OF THE WORLD, which Beacon will publish in November.
Chalice Lighting - by Dr. Forrester Church:
Religion is our human response to the dual reality of being alive and knowing we must die.
The purpose of life is to live in such a way that our lives will prove worth dying for.
The only thing that can never be taken from us, even by death, is the love we give away before we go.
Want what you have; do what you can; and be who you are.