Get them while they're young (Guardian/YouTube)

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Get them while they're young (Guardian/YouTube)

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"Ain't this the truth. It's astounding and disgusting to see the striking parallels between the strategies used by large corporations to get children hooked on cigarettes and those used by churches to brainwash children into accepting an ancient mind-numbing myth. In short, get them while they're young (and maybe you'll get them for life).

"As everyone knows, children are impressionable because they lack experience, so they tend to believe anything that people in positions of authority tell them. That is exactly why they need to be protected from this sort of abuse. If religious people of all stripes truly believed in the truth of their faith, they'd allow children to reach adulthood before exposing them to religion so they could make their own decision about what (if anything) to believe."

Alex's comment:  Let us reflect on how to protect children from religious abuses.