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Another Word on "God and the Twenty-First Century"
Michael Benedikt Tikkun, Spring 2011 http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/another-word-on-god-and-the-twenty-first-century pp14-15 14-15.jpg p16 16.jpg p43 43.jpg p44 44.jpg "I suggest that the only version of 'evolutionary spirituality' that keeps God good and that makes spiritual as well as evolutionary sense, sees God him/her/itself as emerging from and evolving with us, and not existing before." "'God' is not a noun but a verb...God is not a being, but a doing...God as goodness performed." Michael Benedikt, God is the Good We Do http://www.godisthegoodwedo.com |
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"God" is Good
In English language, just inserting a single small letter "o" in the middle of the word "God, replacing the word "God" with the word "Good," can make lucid the meaning of "God." This requires only minimal alternation to the shape of the word "God." "God" is the good side of human nature psychologically identified, isolated, extracted, projected, personified, inflated to infinity, valued, and worshiped. This is evidenced in the Bible. Old Testament authors and the preceeding Hebrew oral tradition, out of the good side of human nature, have devised humane laws to protect the poor and the disadvantaged. Subsequently, they ascribed those laws as orders from "God;" in fact, the laws are of their own design. In the New Testament, Jesus' example and teachings of remarkable compassion has fully realized the good side of human nature. The good side of human nature is Good. It is more honest to value and worship (hold as worthwhile) Good directly. Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27, NASV) This great, if not the greatest, teaching is difficult to make sense if we have such an unclear understanding of "God." Interpreting by replacing "God" with Good, the good side of human nature, makes sense. We shall love the Lord our Good (the goodness, the good side, within us) with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength. In fact, Jesus has suggested this very interpretation by saying, "and [love] your neighbor as yourself." The Bible has personified and mystified Good as "God." Replacing "God" with Good reverses the process, and the whole Bible suddenly makes sense to non-superstitious modern readers who reject ancient myths. The traditional central Christian doctrine of Trinity makes sense too. Jesus is Good incarnate, is son of Good. "Holy Spirit" symbolizes the Good within each of us. "God the Father as Creator" means projecting cosmically and then affirming Good as of utmost importance in human experience. We shall regard Good as the most high. We shall worship Good. We shall act out and realize Good. Love is Good; Good is love (1 Jn 4:8, 16). Amen. 「神」乃人性中善之化身 以「善」或「愛」替代「神」(或「上帝」),便可打通《聖經》及傳統基督宗教教義,使其對不再相信神話的科學世代重新有意義。 耶穌是善成肉身;耶穌是善之子。 「聖靈」象徵內住人心的善。 「聖父」是人向善膜拜。 是甚麼令猶太人口述傳統與後來的《聖經》作者創造「神」?心理上的解釋,便是這個潛意識過程,是人將自己心裡的善性投射向宇宙,然後尊崇為至高者。敬拜「神」,實在是珍惜善。 約翰一書: 4:8 沒有愛心的、就不認識神.因為神就是愛。 4:12 從來沒有人見過神.我們若彼此相愛、神就住在我們裡面、愛他的心在我們裡面得以完全了. 4:16 神就是愛.住在愛裡面的、就是住在神裡面、神也住在他裡面。 神就是愛;愛就是神。 神就是善;善就是神。 |
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