The answer is CLF, Church of the Larger Fellowship. CLF serves isolated religious liberals around the world. CLF is
here. The pamphlet "
Becoming a Member" explained the significance of joining a UU group very well: Joining "is your affirming symbol of commitment to an open-minded, inclusive, reasoned, seasoned, compassionate and contemporary approach to life...[and]...the principles of freedom and reason in religion..." I have joined CLF in 1996. In the monthly periodical Quest, the high quality articles on life philosophy never fails to feed my liberal spiritual needs. Do let me know if you decide to join; that will make my day!
答案就是 CLF(Church of the Larger Fellowship)。我暫且譯作「大眾教會」。該「教會」服務全世界找不到自由主義宗教群體參與的宗教自由主義者。該會網頁在
這裡。加入該會是您表達認同及支持宗教自由主義的重要行動。宗教自由主義倡議以開明、包容、自由、理性、慈悲、現代的態度對待宗教及人生。我本人於一九九六年入會,她的月刊 Quest(《追尋》)有高質素的人生體會文章,是我不可或缺的心靈食糧。如果你決定加入,務請通知我;我將會非常高興!