IDAHO 2010 (17/5/2010) UUHK Speech

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Alex Alex
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IDAHO 2010 (17/5/2010) UUHK Speech


大家今晚聽到的其中一首歌 "We Are a Gentle, Angry People" 是為記念三藩市首位同志議員夏菲米克於一九七八年被鎗殺而寫。這歌已被納入UU詩歌書。今晚播出的版本亦是由美國一間UU教會的詩班唱出。讓我以第五節歌詞結束:"We are gay and straight together, and we are singing, singing for our lives." ("我們同志、直人一條心,為我們的生命高歌!") 試想像,在一間有回聲的尖頂大教堂中,詩班與會眾在管風琴伴奏下高歌 "we are gay and straight together" ("我們同志、直人一條心")。這幅美好的圖畫,正實現在眾多UU教會之中!

My name is Ronald.  I am the Secretary of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong, UUHK for short.  UUHK is the Hong Kong group of the liberal religion Unitarian Universalism, that is UU.  In United States, UU consists of around 250 000 members in over 1 000 churches.  We originate from liberal Christianity and we accept science, evolution, world religions, and homosexuality.

UU supports abolishing all kinds of discriminations.  In the United States, we are the first large religious organization to ordain homosexual ministers.  In 1993, we publicly protested North Carolina's anti-sodomy laws.  In 1994, we supported the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation.  At the annual General Assembly in 1996, a resolution was passed urging legalization of same-sex marriages in United States.  On May 20, 2004, same-sex marriage became legal in Massachusetts.  UU churches took a major role in solemnizing same-sex marriages, and celebrating the availability of marriage to same-sex couples for the first time in the U.S.  In places where same-sex marriage has not been legalized yet, we carry out a Ceremony of Union to recognize and celebrate unions of LGBT people.

One of the songs you are listening to tonight, the song “We Are a Gentle, Angry People,” was written after the first openly gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk was murdered in 1978.  This song has been incorporated into the UU hymn book.  And the version you are listening to tonight is sung by the choir of a UU church.  Let me close with verse 5: "We are gay and straight together, and we are singing, singing for our lives."  Imagine in a large church hall with reverberations, the choir and the congregation, accompanied by an organ, sing aloud "we are gay and straight together".  This beautiful picture has been realized in our numerous UU churches!
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Re: IDAHO 2010 (17/5/2010) UUHK Speech

Great. I heard it, and it is refreshing to read it again.