Intelligence Squared: "Science Refutes God" Debate (1h49m YouTube)

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Intelligence Squared: "Science Refutes God" Debate (1h49m YouTube)

"Science Refutes God" Debate - Intelligence Squared U.S.
(1h49m YouTube)

"On the fundamental question--evolution or creation?--Americans are on the fence. According to one survey, while 61% of Americans believe we have evolved over time, 22% believe this evolution was guided by a higher power, with another 31% on the side of creationism. For some, modern science debunks many of religion's core beliefs, but for others, questions like "Why are we here?" and "How did it all come about?" can only be answered through a belief in the existence of God. Can science and religion co-exist?"

Lawrence Krauss
Director, Origins Project and Foundation Professor, ASU

Michael Shermer
Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine and author

Ian Hutchinson
Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT

Dinesh D'Souza
Author, What's So Great About Christianity