Introduction to UU by a Christian writer at

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Alex Alex
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Introduction to UU by a Christian writer at

Alex Alex
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Is tolerance a sin?

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His description of UU is neutral and objective.  The following statement in the "Unitarian Universalist Church Profile" article caught my attention.  It is accurate.

"The religion distinguishes itself from Christian denominations in that it welcomes but does not require belief in God or the Trinity."

This sentence appears critical to me.

The critical word is "welcomes."

"Welcomes" means not rejecting orthodox Christian doctrines!

But Unitarianism, Universalism, and the merged Unitarian Universalism (UU) are often regarded by Christians as heresies.

This raises a critical question:

Is a denomination which welcomes (not rejects), only not requires, orthodox Christian doctrines a heresy?

More questions for reflection:

Shall a heresy be defined by tolerance of alternative beliefs (while it still welcomes orthodox doctrines)?

Shall heresy be defined by tolerance?  If yes, that means tolerance is false, is a sin (for the respective orthodoxy)!

That is, to be orthodox, you are required to be intolerant.