Judaism: Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (Reconstructionist Judaism)

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Judaism: Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (Reconstructionist Judaism)

Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan is the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism.

Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan

Reconstructionist Judaism
Reconstructionist Judaism is a modern American-based Jewish movement based on the ideas of Mordecai Kaplan (1881–1983). The movement views Judaism as a progressively evolving civilization.[1] It originated as a branch of Conservative Judaism before it splintered. The movement developed from the late 1920s to 1940s, and it established a rabbinical college in 1968.

Judaism As a Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life
Initially published in 1934; Jewish Publication Society of America (1994)

From a mailing list:
"Rabbi Kaplan's Judaism as a Civilization is indeed an important book, with many stimulating ideas still worth reading today.  ..."