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Candlelight Vigil for Religious Freedom in Tibet
Date: 14 Mar 2012 (wed) Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm Venue: The CCC Shum Oi Church, 80 Wo Tsai Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon (MTR Shek Kip Mei Station exit A) ![]() 為西藏宗教自由祝願 燭光晚會 日期:2012年3月14日(三) 時間:晚上7時30分至9時 地點:中華基督教會深愛堂(石硤尾窩仔街80號鄰近銘賢中學,地鐡站A出口轉右) 內容:關注西藏地區的宗教迫害及人權狀況、短片、分享、燭光獻呈、 跨宗教(基督宗教、猶太教、佛教、道教)心聲及頌經等 2008年西藏人民流亡組織發起北京奧運前「徒步返鄉」運動,仿效印度甘地不流血、非暴力精神的返鄉運動,被政府視為破壞奧運的舉動。雖然,達賴喇嘛多次聲明不反對北京舉辦奧運,但批評北京政府在西藏侵犯人權,因而被禁止「徒步返鄉」運動,多人被逮捕,亦引發後來的3月14日流血衝突,最後遭政府鎮壓下去。鎮壓無助於止息文化及宗教衝突,流血死亡的情況從來沒有平息,由2009年2月27日至2012年2月19日期間,在西藏,據悉已有約23位藏人自焚,已知其中15人犧牲。 自焚前,他們大部份的口號都是:「西藏要自由,達賴喇嘛返回西藏!」在如此艱難的狀況下,藏人視此舉為非暴力抗爭的最後手段。作為一個有信仰的人,西藏問題雖然遙遠但不代表我們視若無睹。此刻,我們可以為死難者祈願安息,也為西藏的人權及宗教自由獻呈盼望的燭光。邀請你出席314由不同宗教人士為西藏宗教自由祝願的燭光晚會。 查詢及報名: 香港天主教正義和平委員會 電話 2560-3865 電郵 info@hkjp.org 香港基督徒學會 電話 2398-1699 電郵 info@hkci.org.hk 合辦團體: 尋道會 眾樂教會 九龍佑寧堂 基督路小教會 香港基督徒學會 基督徒關懷香港學會 香港天主教正義和平委員會 中華基督教會深愛堂社關團契 |
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Population of Latvia
The indigenous population of Latvia is Latvians and Fenno-Ugrian Lives (Livonians). The existing ethnic composition is the result of post-war massive migrations. The following comparison can be made – 77 % of the population were Latvians in 1935, whereas in 1989 this number had decreased to 52 %. Population was 2,248,374 in 2010, and the population dispersal is the following: 68 % live in cities and towns and 32 % – in rural areas. Latvian language Latvian is a Baltic language belonging to the Indo-European language family. The only language closely related to the Latvian language is Lithuanian. Latvian has been recognised as one of the most ancient and relatively unchanged languages in the world. It is the native language of approximately 1.5 million people. Russian and English are also quite common in Latvia, but German, French and Scandinavian languages are rather rare. Latvian is the only official language in Latvia; however, there are several mechanisms in place to provide people who do not know Latvian language with effective legal protection. The ethnic composition of Latvia is the following: 59.4 % are Latvians, 27.6 % – Russians, 3.6 % –Belarusians, 2.5 % – Ukrainians, 2.3 % – Poles, 1.3 % – Lithuanians, 3.3 % – other nationalities. Education in Latvia Latvia has a relatively high per capita ratio in respect to education. The state ensures free primary education and offers a large number of higher education programs. Foreign students from the Member States of the European Union pays for education the same amount as domestic students, and the Latvian education is highly regarded abroad. There are also funded schools for language minority groups in Latvia where the subjects are taught bilingually – in Latvian and the respective foreign language. Government and election Latvia is a democratic, parliamentary republic. The legislative power is vested in the Parliament or Saeima consisting of 100 members (deputies). The Parliament is elected every four years, and the elections are general, equal, direct, secret and based on proportional representation. Only citizens at least 18 years old have the right to vote. The election threshold is 5 %, because there are not many parties in Latvia. The President, who is appointed by the Parliament, signs the laws, nominates a candidate for the Prime Minister post (head of the executive power) and has a representative role. The Parliament appoints the Prime Minister who then accordingly appoints other ministers. The ground for work of the Cabinet of Ministers is the confidence in the Prime Minister expressed by the Parliament. The third branch of power is the judicial power. It is a three-tier judicial system consisting of district courts, regional courts and the Supreme Court. There is also a Constitutional Court (Satversme Court) in Latvia that exists outside the three-tier system. |
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