Muslim Leader: What's Al-Sharia, and What's Wrong With Sharia Law?

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Muslim Leader: What's Al-Sharia, and What's Wrong With Sharia Law?

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What's Al-Sharia, and What's Wrong With Sharia Law?
Dr. David Liepert
Canadian Muslim Leader, Author and Spokesperson. Advisor to the Canadian Council of Imams
June 19, 2012

...Islamically, there's actually no such thing as Sharia Law in the first place: it's a bilingual oxymoron, incorrectly implying that something perfect can be made by men.  ...

...The simple truth is, to most Muslims, for everything other than what we consider the "5 pillar items" like our declaration of faith, our charity, our prayers, our pilgrimage and our fasting in Ramadan, rather than a rigidly fixed set of laws, al-Sharia, "the path to the water hole" is a set of principles (principles like equality, justice, and the importance of linking rights to responsibilities and risks to rewards) promoting a set of simple practices (like living humbly, serving God and minding your own business)...

...laws end up being made by not-so-perfect people who don't always live up to those principles. In fact, sometimes they subvert those high-minded ideals for their own sake, and create laws that do the opposite of what they're supposed to do. And when believers do that to their own religion, Muslims know that's called an abomination. Most of us know that just calling something Sharia doesn't make it so.

...abominations of al-Sharia...things like stoning adulterers, and/or oppressing women, and/or condoning pedophilia...should be rejected Islamically, according to al-Sharia.

...the choice isn't between Sharia Law and the West; it's actually between Islam and what's become of Sharia Law...

...[Western] country's traditions of Constitutional Law...actually better Sharia than so-called "Sharia Law"...