Preaching by Dr Fu, Wai-man 符慧敏醫生講道 4/4/11

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Alex Alex
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Preaching by Dr Fu, Wai-man 符慧敏醫生講道 4/4/11

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Tonight, April 4, we have invited Dr Fu, Wai-man to talk on the topic "Why did a mainline medial doctor turn to alternative medicine?"  Dr Fu graduated from the University of Hong Kong with MBBS and then became a specialist ophthalmologist.  She, however, turned to alternative medicine and spiritual quest.  Beyond our expectations, the talk turned out to be a very deep adventure of spirituality.  Her basic message is that we are all reincarnating spiritual beings, come to this world with a particular spiritual mission.  For instance, Buddha came to teach humanity enlightenment.  Our daily sense experiences are masking us from that mission.  When we do mindfulness practices such as meditations to still our mind, we can become sensitive to that mission, and accomplishment of it results in spiritual progress.  In her opinion, Hinduism and Buddhism are the religions closest to truth.  Particularly interesting is the story she told vividly of Swami Vivekananda and his famous Welcome Address at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, 1893.  Dr Fu will leave Hong Kong in a few days and won't return until October.  We look forward to further enlightenment from her then.


Swami Vivekananda at Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893

Swami Vivekananda 斯瓦米維韋卡南達
World's Parliament of Religions 世界宗教議會
Swami Vivekananda's Welcome Address 開幕致詞: YouTube, words
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Re: Preaching by Dr Fu, Wai-man 符慧敏醫生講道

This is my response to alternative medicine bullshit. And yes, she is full of it.
Alex Alex
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Storm the animated short movie

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Excellent short movie!  Thank you!

Everyone should take a look:

These statements in the movie are very strong arguments:

By definition, alternative medicine has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work.  Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proved to work?  Medicine.  (at 3:06 min)

Science adjusts its views based on what is observed.  Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.  (at 5:46 min)

Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be not magic.  (at 7:06 min)

Just this world.  Just this beautiful, complex, wonderfully unfathomable natural world.  How did it so fail to hold our attention that we have to diminish it with cheap man-made myths and monsters?  (at 7:35 min)