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Alex Alex
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About Roundtable

independent social sciences think tank

nonpartisan multicultural platform for younger generations' civic participation

Roundtable Institute and Its Network (Roundtable) was established in 2004, aiming at generating quality research to bring about the culture of research-based policy formation and creating a neutral, nonpartisan multicultural platform for younger generations' civic participation in Hong Kong.

Roundtable is constituted by two separate yet closely-cooperated entities: Roundtable Institute (RI) and Roundtable Network (RN). Roundtable Institute is an independent research organization with the mission of contributing to policy formulation and public discussion by quality research. Roundtable Network is a network for non-profit organizations (including registered charity and social organizations) sharing the missions of promoting multiculturalism, youth empowerment and civic engagement among younger generations of Hong Kong.

Our projects mainly focus on research, youth empowerment, arts and culture, social services, education, and publishing. We also frequently organize and participate in exchange tours, talks and forums for ideas exchange with different people from Hong Kong and overseas.

Diversity and multi-polarity are very much stressed by us. Our members include young scholars, professionals, social workers, journalists, artists, councilors, civil servants, members from various political parties as well as students from local and overseas universities and secondary schools . Communicating amongst diversified backgrounds, their voices are converged in our platforms. We hope to be a vanguard in implementing and actualizing a fundamental paradigm shift in Hong Kong.
Alex Alex
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隔牆有耳: Roundtable骨幹「解體」

隔牆有耳: Roundtable骨幹「解體」

同地下黨員葉國華關係好密切嘅智庫組織 Roundtable,早前為曾鈺成參選特首造勢,結果因為曾主席對黨的愚忠而造王失敗。事有湊巧,今次嘅鬥爭失敗後, Roundtable嘅骨幹成員都快會「解體」。

八方聽聞,佢哋嘅理事會主席沈旭暉,稍後會退下來,官方解釋係因為佢就快轉工去中大,加上可能會同女友拉埋天窗,所以係時候休息吓。而另一位骨幹成員,總幹事林輝, 7月後都會講 bye bye,離開香港。放心,林輝佢唔係怕咗狼振英秋後算賬而要移民,佢只係去印度留學,讀南亞研究同埋學印度文。除咗雙輝,做咗食物及衞生局政助嘅陳智遠,據聞喺約滿後都唔會跟隻狼做嘢。