How Critical Thinkers Lose Their Faith in God
Religious belief drops when analytical thinking rises
By Daisy Grewal
Scientific American"
whether we believe may also have to do with how much we rely on
intuition versus analytical thinking"
"Gervais and Norenzayan’s research is based on the idea that we possess two different ways of thinking that are distinct yet related. Understanding these two ways, which are often referred to as System 1 and System 2, may be important for understanding our tendency towards having religious faith. System 1 thinking relies on shortcuts and other rules-of-thumb while
System 2 relies on analytic thinking and tends to be slower and require more effort. Solving logical and analytical problems may require that we override our System 1 thinking processes in order to engage System 2. Psychologists have developed a number of clever techniques that encourage us to do this. Using some of these techniques, Gervais and Norenzayan examined whether
engaging System 2 leads people away from believing in God and religion."
"In a final study, Gervais and Norenzayan used an even more subtle way of activating analytic thinking: by having participants fill out a survey measuring their
religious beliefs that was printed in either clear font or font that was difficult to read. Prior research has shown that difficult-to-read font promotes
analytic thinking by forcing participants to
slow down and think more carefully about the meaning of what they are reading. The researchers found that participants who filled out a survey that was printed in unclear font
expressed less belief as compared to those who filled out the same survey in the clear font."
Alex's comment: 研究顯示,依賴直覺,較輕鬆、快捷,但容易落入相信(例如神和宗教);使用分析思維,較費神、緩慢,卻可減少(宗教)信念。