Scientific Humanistic Deism 科學人本自然神論 科學人本自然神論 : 序言 1. 建立科學人本自然神論宗教的目的,是為當代知性謙卑,但理性上充分理解傳統宗教教條式經文未能被科學方法證明的開明智人,在尋求心靈上的信仰時,提供一種相對接近現實存在真理的途徑。 2. 有別於傳統宗教,科學人本自然神論是一個隨著時間不斷發展,開放式的有機信仰體系。與傳統的不可改變教條式經文相比,科學人本自然神論堅守理性信仰的原則,將會隨著人類通過實踐對客觀存在的進一步認識而演化,不斷摒棄錯誤思維,去蕪存菁,漸近式地趨向掌握絕對真理。在尋覓終極真理的無盡旅程上,今天這個信仰只是處於歷史發展中的極其初級階段。"路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。" 3. 雖然摒棄了傳統宗教中,科學方法未能證實的神參與人類事務的教條,科學人本自然神論並非一個以智人為自我中心的狹隘宗教。科學人本自然神論並不排除大自然存在的無限可能性,並且熱切接受上帝存在的可能性,謙卑地明瞭人類置身於宏大宇宙中的適當位置,對上帝懷抱適當的順服心態。 4. 科學人本自然神論這種開放式的有機信仰體系,不可能源於文化真空。科學人本自然神論憑藉及借鑑了傳統宗教的積極價值觀及實踐經驗,去蕪存菁,承先啟後。在靈性的培養上,在信仰組織的活動上,科學人本自然神論會秉持開放態度,不斷發展各種積極、進步的信仰實踐模式,例如心靈交流小組、信仰崇拜聚會、網上思想腦震盪......。然而,吸取人類宗教歷史教訓,任何包含等級權力結構傳統教會的形式,就可免則免! 5. 科學人本自然神論宗教,當下只是處於萌芽階段。吾人不相信神會介入人類事務,絕對否定因神召喚的創教迷思。科學人本自然神論宗教內涵/實踐的充實和發展,就要依賴信眾們群策群力之集體智慧及努力。這個網站可以提供一個平台,讓相關之慎密思考得以凝聚。 Scientific Humanistic Deism: Preamble 1. The purpose of setting up the religion of Scientific Humanistic Deism is to provide an alternative approach to seek spiritual faith, one relatively closer to reality and truth, for those contemporary enlightened homo sapiens who, while harboring an intellectual humility and with a humble mindset, rationally realize that the dogmatic scriptures of most traditional religions have not been proved by scientific method. 2. Distinct from traditional religions, Scientific Humanistic Deism is an open, organic belief system developing continually in time. Compared with the traditional stagnant dogmatic scriptures, Scientific Humanistic Deism adheres to the principle of rational belief and its tenets will evolve in pace with the progress of human understanding of our objective existence through praxis, constantly eschewing misconceptions while cherishing the truth, and approaching the ultimate truth asymptotically. In the human journey of seeking the ultimate truth, this belief today is only in the very early stage of historical development. "Abysmally far away as the ultimate truth lies I will keep on searching high and low." 3. While relinquishing the traditional religions' dogma of divine involvement in human affairs, which has not been proven by scientific method, Scientific Humanistic Deism is not a parochial faith self-centered on homo sapiens. Scientific Humanistic Deism does not rule out the infinite possibility of nature, embraces the possibility of the existence of God, humbly realizes homo sapiens' appropriately position in the grand Universe and aptly submits to God. 4. Scientific Humanistic Deism as an open, organic belief system cannot possibly arise from a cultural vacuum. Scientific Humanistic Deism derives and learns from the positive values and practical experiences of the traditional religions, eschewing misconceptions while cherishing the truth, treasuring the positive cultural heritage and heralding the progressive future. In the cultivation of spirituality, in the organization of religious activities, Scientific Humanistic Deism will continually develop various positive and progressive modes of faith practice, such as spiritual exchange group, worship congregation, online brain storming. ...... However, drawing lessons from human religious history, any form of traditional church with hierarchical power structure is to be shunned! 5. As of now Scientific Humanistic Deism is merely a seed at its germinating stage. We do not believe in God's intervention in human affairs and categorically deny any myth of divine calling by God to form a new religion. The enrichment and development of the religious tenets/practice of Scientific Humanistic Deism must rely on the collective wisdom and efforts of the believers to work together. This website can provide a platform for the condensation of relevant deeper thoughts. |
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