Secular family values

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Secular family values

How secular family values stack up
Phil Zuckerman
January 14, 2015
LA Times

More children are "growing up godless" than at any other time in our nation's history. They are the offspring of an expanding secular population that includes a relatively new and burgeoning category of Americans called the "Nones," so nicknamed because they identified themselves as believing in "nothing in particular" in a 2012 study by the Pew Research Center.  ...

...So how does the raising of upstanding, moral children work without prayers at mealtimes and morality lessons at Sunday school? Quite well, it seems.

Far from being dysfunctional, nihilistic and rudderless without the security and rectitude of religion, secular households provide a sound and solid foundation for children, according to Vern Bengston, a USC professor of gerontology and sociology.  ...