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Alex Alex
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"Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world"

Alex's comment:  Amazing talks!  Inspiring visions!  Definitely worth your time.
Alex Alex
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Sam Harris:科學可以回答道德問題

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Sam Harris:科學可以回答道德問題

幾個世紀以來,科學被排拒於善惡對錯的問題以外。 Sam Harris 提出科學不但可以,更應當成為道德問題的準則,為人類設立新人道價值,帶領我們走向真正的幸福生活。
Alex Alex
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How it feels to have a stroke 你腦內的兩個世界

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How it feels to have a stroke
Dr Jill Bolte Taylor

吉兒泰勒 (Jill Bolte Taylor) 因為哥哥被診斷出有精神分裂症,日後決定投入研究人類腦部科學。吉兒身­為一位腦神經學家居然親身經歷過一次腦中風。1996 年吉兒在睡醒的那一刻發現自己的­腦部出現了問題。一根血管在她的左腦破裂,並且在中風後的四個鐘頭內,看著自己的腦功­能徹底退化。這段演講吉兒用生動的演講來講述她整個中風過程。
Alex Alex
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A robot that flies like a bird 一隻飛得像鳥的機器人

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A robot that flies like a bird

那麼多的機器人,沒有一個可以飛得像隻真正的鳥。直到Markus Fischer和其團隊在Festo公司創作出能振翅而飛的「聰明鳥」:一隻仿照海鷗的外型而製成之大型、輕盈的機器鳥。在 TED Global 2011 現場展翅飛翔。
Alex Alex
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Tim Harford: Trial, error and the God complex

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Tim Harford: Trial, error and the God complex
Alex Alex
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Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome

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Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
July, 2010; Oxford, England; 23 min

Sebastian Seung is mapping a massively ambitious new model of the brain that focuses on the connections between each neuron. He calls it our "connectome," and it's as individual as our genome -- and understanding it could open a new way to understand our brains and our minds.

Alex's comment:
"I" = my connectome.
"Death" = destruction of connectome.
"Resurrection" = restoration of connectome.
"Immortality" = preservation of connectome.
Alex Alex
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Manuel Llima: A Visual History of Human Knowledge

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How does knowledge grow? Sometimes it begins with one insight and grows into many branches; other times it grows as a complex and interconnected network. Infographics expert Manuel Lima explores the thousand-year history of mapping data — from languages to dynasties — using trees and networks of information. It's a fascinating history of visualizations, and a look into humanity's urge to map what we know.