http://thegreatstory.orgThe Great Story (also known as the Universe Story, Epic of Evolution, or Big History) is humanity's
common creation story. It is the 14 billion year science-based sacred story of cosmic genesis, from the formation of the galaxies and the origin of Earth life, to the development of self-reflective consciousness and collective learning, to the emergence of comprehensive
compassion and tools to assist humanity in living harmoniously with the larger body of life.
The Great Story encompasses meaningful ways of telling the
history of everyone and everything. The Great Story is humanity's
sacred narrative of an evolving Universe of emergent complexity and breathtaking
creativity — a story that offers each of us the opportunity to find
meaning and
purpose in our lives and our time in history.
Big History is an emerging and rapidly growing academic discipline which examines history scientifically from the Big Bang to the present.
International Big History Association (IBHA)'s comment: The Great Story can act as a science-based universal religion (worldview and way of life) meaningful to all cultures. The introductory message is full of religious concepts such as "creation story," "sacred," "creativity," "meaning," and "purpose." 「大故事」可以是建立在穩固科學基礎之上的跨文化全人類共通宗教(人生之道)。「大故事」(又稱「宇宙故事」、「演化史詩」、或「大歷史」)是人類共通之創世故事(相對地,古猶太的創世記則受限於地域文化,好像中國便有別的創世故事)。它敘述了一切的神聖起源:十四億年前的宇宙大爆炸、星系的形成、地球生命的演化,以至最後演化出意識、學習、和慈悲這工具以讓人與眾生和諧共處。「大故事」以有意義的方式述說涵蓋一切的歷史。「大故事」神聖地描述宇宙之精妙和驚人的創造力,它提供了一個故事讓我們尋找人生和時代的意義和目的。