The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality
Andre Comte-Sponville
Viking Adult (2007)
224 pages brilliant, elegant argument for spirituality without God
Can we do without religion? Can we have ethics without God? Is there such thing as “atheist spirituality”? In this powerful book, the internationally bestselling author André Comte-Sponville presents a philosophical exploration of atheism—and comes to some startling conclusions. According to Comte-Sponville, we have allowed the concept of
spirituality to become intertwined with religion, and thus have lost touch with the nature of a true spiritual existence. In order to change this, however, we need not reject the
ancient traditions and values that are part of our heritage; rather, we must rethink our relationship to these values and ask ourselves whether their significance
comes from the existence of a higher power or simply
the human need to connect to one another and the universe. Comte-Sponville offers rigorous, reasoned arguments that take both Eastern and Western philosophical traditions into account, and through his clear, concise, and often humorous prose, he offers a convincing treatise on a new form of spiritual life.