The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?

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The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?

The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?

..."Things that God used to explain are now explained through natural forces," [Michael] Shermer said. "Belief in God and the kind of God you believe in and the sort of religion you adhere to depend very much on where you happen to have been born and in which century you happen to be born. That alone tells us that there's a strong cultural component."

Shermer then went into some of the neuroscience behind belief. "We do tend to look at the world and find meaningful patterns and impose on those patterns intentional agency," he said. "And so, the intentional agents are things like ghosts and Gods and demons and angels and aliens and so forth. And God is another version of that. It's a projection of what our brain is doing to try to understand and make sense of the world."

To Shermer, this is proof that humans created God and not the other way around. ...

Great debate!