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Aware of the book and nonduality philosophy from Brian Hines' blog "Church of the Churchless":
The Ultimate Twist--honest, creative, appealingly unconvincing May 23, 2011 http://hinessight.blogs.com/church_of_the_churchless/2011/05/the-ultimate-twist-honest-lucid-appealingly-unconvincing.html The book's page at Amazon is here: The Ultimate Twist Suzanne Foxton Non-Duality Press (2011) http://www.amazon.com/dp/095664323X Author Suzanne Foxton's blog is here: http://nothingexistsdespiteappearances.blogspot.com Suzanne Foxton...Her blog, Nothing Exists Despite Appearances, is an attempt to point to the infinite, eternal, and ultimately non-existent nature of reality. ...Everything she ever thought was important is gone; what is left is everything and nothing, boundless and beautiful. Brine Hines quotes her book (please meditate with it for as long as you like): Awakening is so simple. Enlightenment, or whatever you want to label it, realization as some call it, is simply what you are, right now. It's no different than what is happening--here, now. The thoughts that label whatever reality is for you, the thoughts that tell you that this isn't it, even they are it. The feelings that seem to be discontent or frustration, they are it too. Those thoughts that tell you that it couldn't be so simple...that it couldn't be any different than whatever it is you seem to have been experiencing all your life...they are what you are looking for. The thoughts that say "How could this possibly be it? This is boring!" Well, the boring-ness is it too, as are the thoughts that label it "boring". Those thoughts are just what's coming up in what you are. What you are is here and now. What you are is everything. What you are is not dependent on what your mind makes of it all. You will never be any closer to what you are than you already are. Those thoughts that it might be something different...those are it, too. Nothing is not it. Everything is what you are looking for. What looks is what you are looking for. Looking is what you are looking for. Here it is! Brian Hines quotes an interview with her in non-duality magazine: http://www.nondualitymagazine.org/nonduality_magazine.1.suzannefoxton.htm NDM: Suzanne, can you please tell me about your awakening, when this happened, how this happened exactly, why you believe this happened. What was going on in your life at the time? Suzanne Foxton: Let me start by saying that the overwhelming quality of "my awakening" was the realisation that there is no such thing. That "I" couldn't "awaken" because there was no me to awaken, and what I had taken myself for was a whimsical fabrication, albeit a fascinating one. Within that paradox lies enlightenment, or whatever we're calling it today. Brian concludes humorously: I enjoyed Suzanne Foxton's The Ultimate Twist. However, I didn't get anything from it in a "wow, I never knew that before!" sense. Reading the book left me unchanged, so far as I can tell. And that, I suspect, will please Suzanne. Like she writes on the next to last page of her book: Perhaps if there is nowhere to go and no one to get there, every obstacle dissolves. Alex's comment: Suzanne Foxton explores the limits of words. |
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I've a stupid question. I'm confused.
Non Duality Non duality non duality Non-Duality Non-duality non-duality Nonduality nonduality Non Dualism Non dualism non dualism Non-Dualism Non-dualism non-dualism Nondualism nondualism Which one is the proper form? Alex Alex, The answer obviously is "nonduality," because that's the word I usually use to describe whatever the heck this creature is that we're talking about. "nondualism" also is acceptable, for the same reason: that's the way I like to write the word. I even have reasons. Since nondualism/nonduality basically refers to oneness, the word shouldn't be divided, as in "non duality." And putting a capital letter on it has an air of theism, as in Brahman or God. nonduality isn't personal or impersonal or anything for that matter. It just what is. At least that's the rumor I've heard. Me, I don't know anything about nonduality, except how to write the word. Brian Hines |
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