UU Ministry for Earth listed UUHK's visit to the Climate Change Museum 2017

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Alex Alex
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UU Ministry for Earth listed UUHK's visit to the Climate Change Museum 2017

UU Ministry for Earth 
Earth Day Event
Visit to the Museum of Climate Change, CUHK
8 April 2017

Philip Williams Philip Williams
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Re: UU Ministry for Earth listed UUHK's visit to the Climate Change Museum 2017

Environment of Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, the amount of alternative and nuclear energy consumed amounts to 0% of the total energy use. Hong Kong emits 5.7 metric tons per capita of CO₂. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Hong Kong is 345.

Total land area of Hong Kong is 2,755 km2 (approx. 1,064 mi²).

Issues Hong Kong faces
Currently Hong Kong faces various issues, including air and water pollution from rapid urbanization.