UU Ministry for Earth newsletter covered UUHK Lamma Hike

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UU Ministry for Earth newsletter covered UUHK Lamma Hike

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UU Ministry for Earth Newsletter

UUHK Earth Day Lamma Hike on 22 May 2012 appeared on pp. 6-7.
Philip Williams Philip Williams
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Re: UU Ministry for Earth newsletter covered UUHK Lamma Hike

Education of Hong Kong
Adult literacy rate in Hong Kong is 93.5%. Government expenditure on education is 4.5% of GDP. The education index of Hong Kong is 0.767 - formal education levels are high, secondary education is a standard for most of the population; higher education is highly available and widespread due to the fact that graduates are economically demanded, and in many such countries having a higher education is also becoming a default option. People in Hong Kong speak the Chinese, and English languages.

English language
In Hong Kong, around 0% of the population or 3,136,784 people speak English. 238,288 of Hong Kong's population call English their first language. 2,898,496 of Hong Kong's population use English as either foreign or second language.