Western religions 西方宗教

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天主教:【夏主教哭了】講道節錄 12.6.2019 by Alex
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by Alex
Bart Ehrman: How Jesus Became God (Jesus did not think he was God) by Alex
1 reply,
by Alex
60张圣经图表,帮助你读懂圣经,值得收藏! by Alex
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by Alex
SCM 香港基督徒學生運動 by Alex
147 replies,
by Alex
Joe Omundson: Seven Problems in Christianity That Killed My Faith by Alex
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by Alex
Umbrella City Cyberchurch by Alex
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by Alex
Wan/HKU: The Invention of Tradition: Same-Sex Marriage and Its Discontents in Hong Kong by Alex
0 replies,
by Alex
教牧團今前線調解 願為青年「擋東西」2019/7/21 by Alex
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by Alex
【致教區公開信】天主教友聯署 籲重思教會未來:不要附屬政權、國族主義,要屬靈入世 by Alex
0 replies,
by Alex
陳滿鴻神父、朱凱迪:「明日大嶼」論壇 18/11/2018 by Alex
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by Alex
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