Why Do We Anthropomorphize God? 人為何將上帝人格化?

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Why Do We Anthropomorphize God? 人為何將上帝人格化?

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Why Do We Anthropomorphize God? Adam Waytz Answers

...people anthropomorphize for three primary reasons, including the desire to attain social connection (when connection from humans is lacking) and the desire to make sense of one’s environment. An additional reason why people anthropomorphize—and why they might anthropomorphize God in particular—is simply because of how easy the human form comes to mind. There is perhaps no concept that we are more intimately familiar with than that of humans, or that of the self (the prototypical human). In cognitive psychology terms, the concept “human” is highly accessible and active in memory.

Given that the process of anthropomorphism can be thought of as a form of inductive reasoning whereby we reason about some relatively lesser known concept (e.g., God) based on a known concept, we are going to be highly likely to use the human form because it is so very known.  ...


1.  人渴望社會聯繫
2.  人渴望了解周圍的環境
3.  人以明白的概念理解不明之概念;「人」是人最了解的概念,所以人用它來理解不明之上帝