Why UU? (in a few sentences)

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Alex Alex
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Why UU? (in a few sentences)

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Why UU? (in a few sentences)

Truly, Christians, Atheists, and Buddhists have their own places to go.  But I cannot talk a lot of Buddhism in the place of Christians, cannot talk a lot of Christianity in the place of Atheists, or a lot of Atheism in the place of Buddhists.  In the place of UU, I can talk about and explore all three, and more.


Alex Alex
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UU in one sentence

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UU in one sentence:

UU originates from Christianity historically, inherited the spirit of love, has let go of myths and exclusivism, thus inclusive to world religions, atheism, and science, and becomes a humanism-based liberal religious caring community working for deeper life, morality, social justice and charity; that is today's UUism.


Alex Alex
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Re: Why UU? (in a few sentences)

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If you are yearning for a loving, spiritual community where you can be inspired and encouraged as you search for your own truth and meaning, welcome to Unitarian Universalism.

---First Unitarian Universalist Church of Second Life
Alex Alex
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Another take

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UU is a church for freethinkers.

Alex Alex
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San Diego: "Home for religious free thinkers"

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"A vibrant, accepting home for religious free thinkers."
---First UU Church of San Diego 
Alex Alex
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Carl Gregg: Unitarian Universalism in 30 Seconds: Developing Your UU Elevator Speech

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Unitarian Universalism in 30 Seconds: Developing Your UU Elevator Speech
September 9, 2013 by Carl Gregg
Alex Alex
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Carl Gregg: Building Your Own Theology

Building Your Own Theology
September 10, 2013 By Carl Gregg
Alex Alex
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Lee Barker

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