'Would you kill me if god told you to?'

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Alex Alex
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'Would you kill me if god told you to?'

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When I ask a fundamentalist,
'Would you kill me if god told you to?'
they always dodge the question.
It puts their belief face to face with the morality most humans have within their core.

They're forced into the uncomfortable position of either say
they would kill me if they believed god told them to,
which is sociopathic behavior, or to admit that
they have a sense of morality independent from religion.


Alex's comment:  

Theism is a two-sided sword.  By revering God as the Most High, all worldly seductions, such as money, power, and pride, are relativized.  By revering God as the Most High, however, one thing that should not be relativized is also relativized--human life.  That means theism opens the possibility and legitimacy to kill in the name of God.  Unfortunately, killing in the name of God is not just a theoretical issue and are quite common in history.  Recall the Inquisition and the Crusade, just to name two examples.  This is the detrimental problem of theism.  The only solution to prevent killing in the name of God is to place human life at the Most High, higher than God.  And this, by removing God from the Most High, defeats and cancels theism.
