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Topics (1650)
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Valerie Tarico/AlterNet: 11 Kinds of Bible Verses Christians Love to Ignore by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Bethanie Chapel 伯大尼小教堂: Non-religious Chapel for Marriage in HK by Alex
0 replies, - in General 一般討論
by Alex
信義宗教會與天主教會有關成義/稱義教義的聯合聲明 25/5/2014 3pm by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Bruce Betts' Online College Intro Astronomy Course 2014 by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Losing my religion: Clergy who no longer believe gather online by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Physicists Say Consciousness Might Be a State of Matter by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Former archbishop of Canterbury: We are a post-Christian nation by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Frans de Waal/TED: Morality without Religion (18min) by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Evolutionary Tree of Religion by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
40 Breathtaking Places to See Before You Die by Alex
1 reply, - in General 一般討論
by Alex
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