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Topics (1650)
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《溫偉耀六十自選集》 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
You Don't Have To Go Down in My Basement, Skepticon 4 Dan Barker by XOX
0 replies, - in Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism 無神論、人文主義、自然主義
by XOX
Green Party of Hong Kong 香港綠黨 by Alex
0 replies, - in General 一般討論
by Alex
飲者:卅年回望身後事 —— 今日教會群體所虧欠蘇恩佩前輩的 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Atheist (5min video) by Alex
0 replies, - in Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism 無神論、人文主義、自然主義
by Alex
Australian Cardinal Pell: "Adam and Eve? That's just mythology" by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Wong King Yip: 寫於還有自由時,CY當道前 by Alex
6 replies, - in General 一般討論
by Alex
胡露茜講章:耶穌為這城哀哭 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Einstein Archives Online by Alex
1 reply, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Atheist Republic 無神論者共和 by Alex
0 replies, - in Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism 無神論、人文主義、自然主義
by Alex
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