Dan Dennett on Theology (6 min YouTube)

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Alex Alex
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Dan Dennett on Theology (6 min YouTube)

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A clip from
Daniel Dennett's talk, "The Evolution of Confusion" at the
Atheist Alliance International 2009 Convention
Burbank, California
Alex Alex
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Consciousness Explained (4 min)

Consciousness Explained

"the mind is just neurons doing their ultimately eletro-mechanical things" (3:35)

"consciousness: what isn't there doesn't have to be explained" (3:55)

Consciousness Explained (1991) is a book by the American philosopher Daniel Dennett which offers an account of how consciousness arises from interaction of physical and cognitive processes in the brain.

The book puts forward a "multiple drafts" model of consciousness, suggesting that there is no single central place (a "Cartesian Theater") where conscious experience occurs; instead there are "various events of content-fixation occurring in various places at various times in the brain". The brain consists of a "bundle of semi-independent agencies"; when "content-fixation" takes place in one of these, its effects may propagate so that it leads to the utterance of one of the sentences that make up the story in which the central character is one's "self". Dennett's view of consciousness is that it is the apparently serial account for the brain's underlying parallelism.
Alex Alex
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Consciousness and Free Will (6min)

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Consciousness and Free Will

"consciousness is tricks of the brain" (0:40)

"Free will is mechanistic at the protein level." (2:24)
Alex Alex
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The Magic of Consciousness (1 hour)

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The Magic of Consciousness

Daniel Dennett is Fletcher Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University.

Here Professor Dennett lectures on the philosophical obstacles to understanding consciousness. This lecture includes topics covered in detail in his wonderful books Consciousness Explained and Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness.